Golden Asset Recovery LLC is a private organization located in Georgia. We are a registered company in the state of Georgia. Please visit which is the Georgia Secretary of State website. Search Golden Asset Recovery LLC in the Business Name search and you’ll see our information listed. We audit government agencies in search of difficult to find lost or unclaimed monies that belongs to private individuals, companies, and estates. Once we’ve located the funds, we make it our personal mission to unite the rightful owners of the funds with THEIR MONEY.
How do you find account owners?
We use a number of online investigative tools and websites, both those restricted to investigators and those available to the public. It often requires extensive research to locate and be able to get in contact with just one account owners or their heirs.
What if the original owner of the property is deceased?
Proof that the claimant is the beneficiary of and/or has the legal right to claim the account must be established with documentation.
What is your fee?
Our fee ranges from 10%- 35% of the account value. We provide you with an exact quote when we speak with you
How long does it take to receive the money?
The time varies, depending on the type of account. Some claims can be paid in as little as two to three months; most take longer, up
to six months or more, depending on the documentation required and how many claims the state is processing at any particular time.